How to set priority for a situation?
A situation does not have priority as such. Multiple situations can be active at any time.
However, the order of situations in the list does have meaning for individual actions. In case multiple active situations have overlapping actions, the action of the last active situation in the list takes precedence.
NOTE: Some actions, like opening an application, do not mind possible overlaps because they are not stateful.
How to re-arrange items in the UI?
You can re-arrange situations by long pressing the items and dragging to a new location in the list.
Please note that neither conditions or actions can be re-arranged.
How to make a condition use ‘NOT’?
You can make a condition (or group of conditions) follow a ‘NOT’ logic by tapping the icon of that condition.
How to apply ‘OR’ between conditions?
In pursuit of keeping the application UI and logic simple, it is not possible switch ‘AND’ to ‘OR’ between different types of conditions in a situation.
However, it is possible to achieve ‘OR’ by splitting a situation’ to multiple smaller situations. These smaller situations can then be used as a condition for another situation by using the Situation condition.
Multiple entries in the Situation condition - like with all other conditions allowing multiple entries - then follow ‘OR’ logic.
How to remove items in the UI?
You can remove situations and individual conditions and actions in them by long pressing the items and dragging to the trash bin that appears in the bottom center of the application view.
Please note that with conditions and actions the long press works only on top of the content part - not on top of the icon or equals sign.
A situation can also be removed from the top right menu.
How to activate a situation by hand?
By tapping the play icon on the main list or in situation view. Press again to deactivate.
How to put a situation on pause?
You can pause a situation by setting it in manual mode. Manual mode can be activated from the middle of a situation view, on the left side of the play button. Pausing can happen both while situation is active or inactive.
When a situation is paused, a hand sign should appear for it also in the main list.
Why is the app not working in the background?
Situations is designed to run a continuous background service regardless of the UI being open or not. However, some Android & manufacturer versions have introduced battery optimization techniques that actively shut down or suspend services running in the background. Some even require user to allow background processes separately.
Situations does ask the user to disable battery optimization for the app. However, unfortunately that is not enough with all manufacturer specific implementations. Instead, you as a user should also check system Settings and manually disable any manufacturer specific battery or background optimizations for the app.