Situations 4 is here!
A brand new major version of Situations is now available for Android users. The update in principle is a big one. There has been a long major refactoring happening in both background and foreground. Parts of this refactoring was already published in previous major update.
This time application framework and target Android version has been updated and UI has gone through a complete rewrite. Instead of a custom library, UI is now based on mostly ready made components and should feel much snappier and have less issues. As a result, some things in UI may have less hidden functionality, but in general available options are also more visible. And what ever has changed, the basic principles and functionality of the application remain the same as before. As one new functionality, it is now possible to clone an existing situation with all of its contents.
Many things, for example regarding keyboard navigation and accessibility remain still to be improved. Some parts of the application are open source and some others are almost there - but still require a bit more work. All open parts are and will be available in Github:
Unfortunately all this also means that current version cuts ties with the Sailfish OS version. So the new version is only available for Android users. But at some point Sailfish version should also get some love too again…
Please do give feedback on the new version. And thank you for all who participated in testing and fixing it so far!
Application is available in Google Play:
Pastilli Labs